We strive to expand in challenging business environements…
We partner with local private and public sector companies and institutions in Africa to deliver tailored solutions to our clients and partners …
Strategic consulting
We provide strategic advice to our clients and partners, in our areas and fields of operations on: Most suitable investment decisions in specific markets and projects to increase value for shareholders, Most adequate technological options for the development of projects and according to market needs…
We carry out studies in our areas and regions of expertise, including on: The evolution of industry and market trends, Market assessment to introduce specific technologies and develop targeted projects, Social, economic and political contexts at the local and regional levels and their impacts…
Project Development
We identify, initiate, create and structure project opportunities based on our strong and large network of experts and partners. We support companies from project origination to implementation, including through: The preparation of technical and financial proposals in the framework of solicited and unsolicited projects…
Expertise supply
We provide high-level cost-effective experts in projects, programmes and initiatives launched/supported by the Donors’ community, international financial and development institutions as well as national and local Governments. – We have a database of +7,000 experts from Africa, with local, regional and international experience in addition to international experts from Europe, Asia and America…
Technical Assistance
ECA participates in Technical Assistance programmes financed by international donors and financial institutions in various fields of activities mainly energy, environment, climate change, water, and agriculture.
We specifically have extensive expertise in European Union programmes and projects, as well as rules and procedures.
Fields of activities

Our areas of intervention